Tarantula Articles, Care, and Facts

Tarantula Articles, Care, and Facts
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What are Tarantulas? What so fascinating about them ? Read about them, there are even some guidelines if you intend to get a Tarantula ..

   There is something mysterious about tarantulas. They startle people. They are creatures of the night, magically appearing and disappearing into the dark again. They have long hairy legs and appear huge and forbidding. But foremost, they are spiders!
   Because of this, it is natural that superstitious folks should credit them with all sorts of sinister properties. And where the factdoes not exist, myh runs rampant. As a result, tarantula lore is a very fertile field
   In Malaysia, not many people know the fascination of tarantulas. Perhaps it is because a typical Malaysian will react in a few common ways when they see a big, hairy, eight legged bug for example;
"yuck.. its disgusting!" <see bottom of page for more>
But if you let curiocity get over you, look at a tarantula from another perspective and learn how to appreciate them , you will actualyl find that they are indeed quite amazing, Its lifecycle, lifestyle, charachteristics, and many more . Take a process called Moulting for instance, during this process, a tarantula is at its most vulnerable stage because in this process, they tend to shed thier entire outer skin (exoskeleton) in order to grow and regenerate lost limbs. Why do i say it is at its most vulnerable stage? Imagine you shedding your skin the entire body including skin on your lips, eyelids, even on the reproduction organs. This is only one of the interesting process of them. Of course you dont compare them to dogs and expect them to play with you in the playground in the evenings but it is quite interesting and educational if you have the patience to care and observe it. Read and learn about them, you'll understand why MTS even exist.
I would not want to write a whole page full of words here, as i know, u might not want to read everything i write here, so below are some links to specific subject of articles i wrote. Browse around, and learn about the Tarantulas. Some useful articles/information can also be found in an affiliate website as well. To visit that site, go to
This is one of the founders (Randy C.K Chin) website.
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Common Malaysians' responses when they see someone keeping a tarantula
".. eeeee... its disgusting . "
"you're one wierd man.. what are you thinking?"
"are they poisonous?"
"have you remove thier sting?"
" is it heavy ??" ....
"how much is it?" [i replied "Pokies can cost hundreds USD] then.. "CRAZY! .. so expensive for a disgusting bug ?? "
More to come ...

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